Apakah Menjalankan Bisnis Menggunakan Visa Pasangan itu Resmi di Indonesia?

Untuk memenuhi syarat mendapatkan visa pasangan, atau izin tinggal tetap (KITAP) di Indonesia, Anda harus secara resmi menikah dengan penduduk Indonesia. Pernikahan baru menjadi resmi saat disahkan oleh pemerintah di mana pun di Indonesia saat Anda menikah.

Tinggal bersama, di mana pasangan tidak mengesahkan hubungan tetapi telah hidup serumah, tidak memenuhi syarat untuk visa pasangan.

Orang asing yang telah menikah dengan pasangan Indonesia selama 10 tahun atau lebih berhak mendapatkan visa pasangan selamanya bahkan jika kemudian terjadi perceraian atau pasangan Indonesia mereka meninggal.

Begitu Anda telah mendapatkan visa pasangan, pertanyaan yang timbul adalah apakah Anda diizinkan bekerja atau memulai bisnis di Indonesia?

Artikel ini memberikan detail tentang orang asing yang menggunakan visa pasangan untuk bekerja di Indonesia.

Kemungkinan Menjalankan Bisnis Menggunakan Visa Pasangan

Di bawah hukum Indonesia, orang asing yang memiliki visa pasangan berhak menjalankan bisnis untuk mencari nafkah dan membiayai keluarga.

Namun, ada zona abu-abu yang dipertanyakan setiap orang: apa saja bisnis yang dapat dijalankan orang asing yang memiliki visa pasangan?

Zona abu-abu ini telah ada sejak lama dan masih harus diklarifikasi oleh Hukum Indonesia. Namun, pada November 2012 rapat umum pemerintah menyebutkan bahwa orang asing dengan visa pasangan diizinkan untuk bekerja selama mereka tidak mempekerjakan staf dan bekerja di sektor informal.

Dengan kata lain, orang asing hanya dapat bekerja secara mandiri tanpa mempekerjakan siapapun. Pekerjaan seperti artis, pelukis, guru pribadi atau pekerja lepas masuk dalam kategori ini.

Bagi orang asing yang membantu pasangan Indonesia dalam menjalankan bisnis mereka, hukumnya masih samar. Untuk kebanyakan kasus, izin sangat bergantung pada pertimbangan pejabat lokal.

Kapan Izin Kerja Diwajibkan

Bisnis-bisnis lain yang mewajibkan orang asing dengan visa pasangan untuk mempekerjakan karyawan, membutuhkan modal dari investor, dll. mewajibkan orang asing untuk mendirikan PT PMA dan mengajukan izin kerja mewakili perusahaan.

Namun, terdapat beberapa fase yang harus dilalui orang asing sebelum memperoleh izin kerja karena mendaftarkan bisnis di Indonesia merupakan proses yang panjang dan birokratis.

Selain itu, proses mempekerjakan orang asing berubah secara drastis tahun lalu sehingga membingungkan petugas lokal dan warga asing. Cekindo telah mempelajari implementasi peraturan terbaru secara cermat; informasi terbaru dapat kami sediakan berdasarkan permintaan.

Terminasi Visa Pasangan

Walaupun telah memiliki visa pasangan di Indonesia, orang asing tetap harus memerhatikan aktivitas yang mereka lakukan agar terhindar dari kehilangan visa tersebut. Melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas berikut ini dapat menyebabkan terminasi pada visa Anda:

  1. Orang asing telah meninggalkan Indonesia selama lebih dari satu tahun.
  2. Pasangan orang asing menceraikan atau meninggal sebelum 10 tahun pernikahan.
  3. Orang asing tidak memperpanjang KITAP setelah 5 tahun.
  4. Orang asing pada akhirnya telah memperoleh keawarganegaraan Indonesia.
  5. Visa pasangan dibatalkan oleh pemerintah akibat kondisi tertentu.
  6. Orang asing telah meninggal atau dideportasi (dalam kasus bekerja tanpa izin kerja).

Denda Besar tanpa Izin Kerja

Hak untuk mulai bekerja menggunakan visa pasangan tetap terbatas karena hukum yang kurang jelas. Melanggar aturan karena tidak memiliki izin kerja dapat membuat Anda terkena denda maksimum sebesar IDR 500 juta dengan kemungkinan hukuman penjara hingga 5 tahun, dengan alternatif berupa deportasi.

Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang menjalankan bisnis menggunakan visa pasangan di Indonesia untuk membahas kasus Anda yang lebih spesifik. Penasihat kami di Jakarta, Semarang dan Bali akan segera menghubungi Anda kembali dalam waktu dua hari kerja.

Visa Pensiun di Bali: Apakah Anda Memenuhi Syarat?

Retiring in Bali presents a unique opportunity to transition from a professional life to a leisurely one. Still, it’s not merely packing your bags and hopping on a plane for a vacation. The process involves navigating the intricacies of obtaining a retirement visa in Bali, which, while relatively straightforward, can be time-consuming.

This article delves into the requirements, benefits, and application process for obtaining a retirement visa in Bali, offering insights for those considering this enticing path toward their golden years. So, should you retire in Bali? Let’s explore the possibilities and requirements in detail.

Should You Retire in Bali?

Relocating outside someone’s country of residence to enjoy a pension or savings is not new. Many seek an exotic yet safe place with adequate public facilities and healthcare access.

If you are looking for stunning landscapes, sea or mountains, unique culture, warm climate, and people with a reasonable price tag, look no more. Indonesia – and the island of Bali especially – has it all.

Settle down in Bali is a very different scenario from going for a holiday; this is when the paperwork comes into play. Obtaining a retirement visa in Indonesia is relatively straightforward, yet time-consuming.

Related article: An In-Depth Guide into Retirement Visa in Indonesia

Requirements for a Retirement Visa in Bali

InCorp and its specialists are not only ready to help with the entire procedure but to become your sponsor as well.

Currently, only citizens of the following countries are eligible for a retirement visa in Indonesia (Visa Tinggal Terbatas Untuk Wisatawan Lansia Mancanegara Indeks 319):

ArgentinaGermanyMonacoSouth Korea
AustraliaGreeceThe NetherlandsSpain
AustriaHungaryNew ZealandSuriname
BrazilIrelandThe PhilippinesTaiwan
BulgariaItalyPortugalUnited Kingdom of Great Britain
CanadaJapanNorwayNorthern Ireland
CyprusKuwaitOmanUnited States
EstoniaMalaysiaUnited Arab Emirates
FranceMaltaSouth Africa

What are the Requirements for Retirement Visa in Indonesia?

For the visa application to go without a hitch, make sure you meet the following Bali retirement visa requirements:

  • 55 years of age or older
  • in possession of a passport with more than 18 months remaining validity
  • ability to prove pension funds and/or bank deposits of 1,500 USD per month (the total amount of 18,000 USD per year)
  • application letter + warranty from the travel agent + business details confirming the business activity of your sponsor/travel agent

What Opportunities Does a Retirement Visa Provide?

A Retirement Visa in Indonesia offers several opportunities for retirees looking to enjoy their golden years there. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. Long-Term Stay

A Retirement Visa allows you to stay in Indonesia for an extended period, typically one year. It’s renewable for multiple years, providing retirees stability and peace of mind.

2. No Work Restrictions

Unlike other visa types, a Retirement Visa doesn’t have work limitations. While you’re not allowed to be employed in Indonesia, you can engage in volunteer work or pursue personal business interests.

3. Property Ownership

As a Retirement Visa holder, you can purchase property in Indonesia to invest in your dream retirement home.

4. Exploring Indonesia

You can freely travel and explore the diverse and beautiful archipelago of Indonesia. Enjoy the stunning landscapes, cultures, and traditions the country offers.

5. Community Integration

Many expat communities and support networks exist in popular retirement destinations in Indonesia, helping you adapt to your new life more easily.

Read more: Visa Sponsorship in Indonesia: A Brief Guide

What Documents do You Need to Submit for a Retirement Visa in Bali?

The applicant may have to submit the following:

  • Four passport photos
  • copy of all passport pages
  • health insurance certificate from the country of origin or Indonesia that covers their medical expenses in Bali
  • the rental agreement for a property in Bali
  • statement to declare the employment of an Indonesian assistant, a household worker, etc., while living in Bali
  • statement of not engaging in any business activities or work in Indonesia
  • curriculum vitae

What Is the Bali Retirement Visa Application Process?

If you’re considering a Retirement Visa in Bali, Indonesia, here’s an overview of the application process:

1. Eligibility

To be eligible, you must be at least 55 years old and have proof of sufficient financial means to support yourself in Indonesia.

2. Financial Requirements

You’ll need to demonstrate a regular income from a pension, investments, or other sources. The exact financial requirement may vary and should be verified with the Indonesian authorities.

3. Health Insurance

Some regions, like Bali, may require you to have health insurance coverage. Ensure you have adequate coverage as per local regulations.

4. Application Submission

Submit your application to the Indonesian immigration authorities. This often involves completing the necessary forms and providing the required documents, including proof of income, health insurance, and passport-sized photos.

5. Review Process

The immigration authorities will review your application. It’s essential to ensure all documents are accurate and up to date.

6. Interview

You may be required to attend an interview to confirm your eligibility and intentions for staying in Indonesia.

7. Visa Approval

If your application is approved, you’ll receive your Retirement Visa, allowing you to stay in Indonesia for the specified period. It’s essential to maintain compliance with visa requirements during your stay.

8. Renewal

Retirement Visas are typically granted for one year and can be renewed annually if you meet the financial and other requirements.

What are the Benefits of a Retirement Visa in Bali?

The possession of a Temporary Residence Permit (KITAS) for retirement purposes, which is valid for a year and could be extended five times in total, brings advantages and perks that make life in Bali much easier and without the necessity to leave the country for regular renewal of the visa. Here are some Bali retirement visa benefits:

  • open a bank account
  • get a local driving license
  • Obtain MERP (Multiple Exit Re-Permit)
  • purchase a vehicle in your name
  • get local prices and discounts

Let InCorp Handle Your Retirement Visa Easily

Contact InCorp Indonesia and we will ensure you have all the documents needed. Furthermore, InCorp will act as a so-called “sponsor” and apply on behalf of the applicant at the Indonesian immigration authorities. Once the application is approved, a visa could be picked up at the Indonesian embassy according to the applicant’s country of residence.

Please remember that processing time may differ at each Indonesian embassy or consulate. Therefore, it is essential to allow plenty of time to complete the process.

The visa obtained should be converted into a Temporary Residence Permit (KITAS) after you arrive in Indonesia.

For further information and assistance with all the necessary paperwork related to a retirement KITAS in Bali, please do not hesitate to contact our specialist from InCorp in Jakarta, Semarang, or Bali.