Home Blog 5 Alasan Pentingnya Konsultan Bisnis bagi Bisnis Anda di Indonesia Indonesia | Layanan Kesekretariatan | Uncategorized 5 Alasan Pentingnya Konsultan Bisnis bagi Bisnis Anda di Indonesia InCorp Editorial Team 11 Februari 2023 4 minute reading time Table of Contents Memberikan Anda Perspektif Objektif Memberikan Anda Keahlian yang Anda Cari dan Butuhkan Menghemat Waktu dan Uang Anda Membantu dalam Navigasi dan Perubahan Membantu Anda Menemukan Peluang Bisnis Potensial Cekindo sebagai Konsultan Bisnis Anda di Indonesia Anda mungkin menjalankan bisnis dan memiliki banyak keahlian. Anda bangga dapat melakukan hampir segalanya sendiri dan berpikir bahwa menggunakan jasa konsultan bisnis hanya membuang uang dan waktu. Ini faktanya, Anda mungkin saja melewatkan manfaat-manfaat besar yang ditawarkan konsultan bisnis di Indonesia. Menggunakan jasa konsultan bisnis tidak berarti Anda dan perusahaan tak bisa mengatasi masalah yang muncul. Konsultan bisnis yang profesional dan ahli menjadi sepasang mata tambahan yang dapat memberikan ide inovatif, perspektif baru dan keahlian spesifik yang sesuai dengan lingkungan bisnis Anda untuk solusi yang lebih baik. Dengan bantuan konsultan bisnis, Anda dapat mengeksekusi rencana bisnis menjadi tindakan dan karenanya, menghemat uang, waktu dan tenaga, di antara hal-hal lainnya. Artikel ini menjelaskan alasan-alasan penting untuk menggunakan jasa konsultan bisnis di Indonesia saat menjalankan bisnis di negara kepulauan ini. Memberikan Anda Perspektif Objektif Konsultan bisnis di Indonesia dapat menjadi sepasang mata ekstra dan memberikan sudut pandang pihak ketiga bagi bisnis. Ini sangat penting, terutama saat Anda harus membuat keputusan sulit. Evaluasi jujur dan objektif terhadap kegiatan operasional bisnis Anda berasal dari tahunan pengalaman mereka bekerja di beragam industri di Indonesia. Oleh karenanya, mereka tahu strategi mana yang dapat berhasil dan mana yang tidak. Pengalaman mereka akan membantu Anda dalam perencanaan mendatang, namun tidak membiarkan masalah yang tersembunyi tetap Anda dan menahan Anda dari kesuksesan. Memberikan Anda Keahlian yang Anda Cari dan Butuhkan Seringkali Anda menyewa konsultan bisnis untuk memperoleh satu set keahlian yang dibutuhkan bisnis Anda dengan segera, tetapi tak tersedia di perusahaan. Selain itu, Anda akan memiliki akses ke banyak profesional dengan beragam keahlian dari beragam industri jika bekerja sama dengan konsultan bisnis profesional. Menghemat Waktu dan Uang Anda Akan ada banyak uji coba yang kemungkinan tidak berjalan bagi bisnis Anda untuk bergerak maju jika Anda hanya bergantung terhadap diri sendiri tanpa bantuan konsultan bisnis profesional. Ini bisa jadi lebih mahal dari yang Anda duga, terutama jika Anda membuat kesalahan bisnis yang serius. Selain itu, Anda mungkin sudah tak bisa lagi menghitung waktu yang Anda habiskan untuk melakukan riset sebelum membuat semua keputusan bisins tersebut. Selain itu, menyewa tenaga ahli untuk bekerja di perusahaan Anda purna waktu akan sangat mahal, jika dibandingkan dengan menyewa konsultan bisnis hanya pada saat diperlukan. Untuk karyawan purna waktu, Anda terkadang bingung saat harus menemukan sesuatu untuk mereka kerjakan sepanjang tahun. Membantu dalam Navigasi dan Perubahan Anda juga perlu tahu bahwa bisnis Anda memiliki kemungkinan untuk berubah secara konstan saat berkembang, tertuama di negara seperti Indonesia yang memiliki peraturan yang acapkali berubah. Perencanaan strategis oleh konsultan bisnis menjadi salah satu elemen penting yang membantu bisnis Anda menghadapi perubahan untuk pertumbuhan masa depan, sehingga Anda dan para pemangku kepentingan tidak merasa kewalahan. Tim konsultan profesional dan berpengalaman di Cekindo akan dapat menciptakan roadmap nyata untuk bisnis Anda dengan perencanaan strategi yang matang. Kami melakukan ini melalui riset mendalam, analisis dan tindakan berdasarkan statistik dan hasil. Membantu Anda Menemukan Peluang Bisnis Potensial Saat semua rencana dan strategi sudah pada tempatnya, konsultan bisnis Anda akan memberikan bantuan untuk melakukan eksekusi. Saat proses eksekusi, konsultan bisnis Anda akan selalu membuka mata dan telinga untuk menemukan peluang bisnis yang dapat Anda raih. Dari sana, mereka akan mengembangkan strategi lain sehingga Anda dapat segera bertindak. Cekindo sebagai Konsultan Bisnis Anda di Indonesia Tentunya ada banyak manfaat yang bisa Anda nikmati dari bekerja sama dengan konsultan bisnis untuk membantu pertumbuhan bisnis. Yang terpenting, konsultan bisnis membantu Anda fokus pada apa yang Anda kerjakan karena mereka telah membantu Anda menghemat banyak sekali waktu berharga. Hubungi Cekindo untuk informasi lebih jauh tentant solusi bisnis kami yang komprehensif. Atau, kunjungi kantor kami di Jakarta, Bali dan Semarang. Kami akan senang membahas solusi terbaik yang menjawab kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Read Full Bio Pandu Biasramadhan Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.
Home Blog Dirikan Perusahaan Dagang dan Mulailah Ekspor dari Bali Bali | Pendirian Bisnis | Perwakilan Lokal | Registrasi Perusahaan Dirikan Perusahaan Dagang dan Mulailah Ekspor dari Bali InCorp Editorial Team 11 Februari 2023 5 minute reading time Table of Contents Mayoritas Ekspor dari Bali Sebelum Melakukan Ekspor dari Bali Ekspor sebagai Perusahaan Dagang di Bali Klasifikasi yang Tepat untuk Perusahaan Dagang Anda di Bali Keuntungan Ekspor Undername Item yang Dilarang untuk Ekspor dari Bali Ekspor dari Bali dengan Cekindo DIKENAL SEBAGAI EKONOMI TERBESAR KE-16 DI DUNIA, INDONESIA DIPROYEKSIKAN MENJADI EKONOMI TERBESAR KE-4 DI DUNIA PADA 2050. Continue reading “Dirikan Perusahaan Dagang dan Mulailah Ekspor dari Bali” Read Full Bio Pandu Biasramadhan Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.
Home Blog Cekindo di Vitafoods Asia 2018 sebagai Ahli Peraturan untuk Pasar Indonesia Kabar Terbaru dari InCorp Cekindo di Vitafoods Asia 2018 sebagai Ahli Peraturan untuk Pasar Indonesia InCorp Editorial Team 11 Februari 2023 2 minute reading time Table of Contents Pada 11-12 September 2018 diselenggarakan salah satu pertemuan industri terbesar di Asia, yaitu Vitafoods Asia 2018, yang bertempat di Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Center, Singapura. Sebagai perusahaan konsultan ternama di Indonesia, Cekindo diundang sebagai ahli peraturan untuk pasar Indonesia. Lebih dari 200 eksponen internasional hadir untuk menunjukkan inovasi dan tren terbaru sehubungan dengan nutraceutical, suplemen diet serta makanan dan minuman. Selain itu, para profesional yang bertanggung jawab membuat keputusan bisnis strategis juga datang untuk berpartisipasi dalam acara ini. Vitafoods Asia 2018 menikmati kesuksesan besar dengan adanya lebih dari 3.000 pengunjung dari kurang lebih 50 negara yang terlibat dalam hubungan bisnis, transfer pengetahuan serta pengambilan contoh untuk produk-produk nutraceutical terbaru. Sebagai ahli peraturan untuk pasar Indonesia, tim Cekindo yang terdiri dari pemimpinnya Michal Wasserbauer, konsultan kepala Nurmia Agustina dan dua konsultan ahli dengan senang hati menyediakan konsultasi dan nasihat profesional bagi pengunjung yang ingin berekspansi ke Indonesia. Banyak yang datang mengunjungi booth kami F33 yang terletak di bagian Services and Equipment dan dengan antusias mengajukan pertanyaan sehubungan dengan regulasi bisnis serta potensi bisnis di negara kepulauan terbesar ini. Tertarik untuk memulai bisnis atau melakukan ekspansi bisnis ke Indonesia? Hubungi kami sekarang untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang registrasi produk, izin usaha dan izin bisnis, registrasi perusahaan dan masih banyak lagi. Tim profesional kami yang berpengalaman ada di sini untuk membantu dan memandu Anda selama proses pendirian bisnis. Read Full Bio Pandu Biasramadhan Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.
Home Blog 8 Ide Usaha Kecil di Bali Tahun 2022 Bali | Pendirian Bisnis | Registrasi Perusahaan 8 Ide Usaha Kecil di Bali Tahun 2022 InCorp Editorial Team 11 September 2024 7 minute reading time Table of Contents Can Foreigners Start A Business in Bali? Cost of Starting A Small Business in Bali Type of Businesses You Can Open in Bali The Guide to Starting A Small Business in Bali Start Your Small Business in Bali with InCorp Bali offers exciting opportunities for entrepreneurs starting a small business in 2025. As the island continues to attract tourists and expatriates alike, now is the perfect time to explore the most promising sectors for starting a small business in Bali. Can Foreigners Start A Business in Bali? Yes, foreigners can start a business in Bali, but there are certain restrictions on the types of businesses they can establish. Foreign investment is allowed only in sectors that are open to foreign ownership. Cost of Starting A Small Business in Bali Starting a small business in Bali for foreigners involves various costs, including initial setup expenses and ongoing operational costs. How much does it cost to start a business in Bali? The exact amount will depend on the business type, scale, and specific requirements. Initial Setup Costs Company Registration: Costs vary depending on the business entity chosen. Legal Fees: Hiring a lawyer for the registration process and providing legal advice. Office Space: Rental costs vary based on location and size. Equipment and Supplies: Costs depend on the business’s needs. Ongoing Costs Taxes: Corporate income tax, VAT, and other taxes apply. Permits and Licenses: Fees for obtaining necessary permits. Salaries and Wages: Costs for hiring employees. Utilities: Costs for electricity, water, and internet. Marketing and Advertising: Costs for promoting your business. Other Considerations Living Expenses: Costs for accommodation, food, transportation, and healthcare. Contingency Planning: Plan for unexpected expenses. Type of Businesses You Can Open in Bali With a diverse market fueled by tourism, local culture, and digital innovation, foreigners can open several businesses in Bali. Here’s a look at the key business sectors where you can start a small business in Bali. Hospitality and Tourism There is a high demand for services catering to the millions of visitors to Bali each year. This includes accommodation providers such as hotels, resorts, villas, food and beverage establishments, transportation services, and other tourism-related businesses. Whether opening a guesthouse or launching a tour company, opportunities in this sector are vast and varied, making it a promising area for entrepreneurial ventures. Creative Industries With the island’s rich cultural heritage and a growing number of events, there is a strong demand for creative professionals in areas like design, photography, videography, and art. Entrepreneurs with skills in these fields can tap into Bali’s thriving artistic scene, collaborating with local and international clients on projects ranging from weddings to brand campaigns and positioning their businesses for long-term success in this dynamic sector. Online Businesses The rise of the internet and digital technologies has opened up immense opportunities for foreigners to start small businesses in Bali from home and anywhere in the world. With its solid expatriate community and growing digital infrastructure, Bali is an attractive location for digital entrepreneurs, whether they run e-commerce stores, offer online services, or create digital content. READ MORE:Starting a Lifestyle Business in Bali: A Simple GuideStarting a Business in Bali the Right Way without These 5 Mistakes Short-term Property Rental Investors in this sector are banking on “revenge travel”—where people vacation after being cooped up—to kick in. While vaccination programs are being rolled out globally, investors are taking this opportunity to capitalize on low rental prices and cheaper buildings. One reason the property remains a popular option for foreigners is its flexibility—the property can be used to draw in passive income as a short-term rental on Airbnb or as a holiday home when visiting Bali. Property maintenance and access to water, electricity, and Wi-Fi are easy. However, renting land or property can be complex due to land and property ownership regulations. As an investor, it’s important to ensure that all necessary documents are in order, including land titles, zoning regulations, certifications, and proof of ownership. Investing in a piece of land is no small feat and a long-term commitment. Although due diligence and background checks are rare in Bali, they are affordable services you should engage in before making any long-term commitment. F&B Services The culinary industry offers many opportunities for starting a small business in Bali. That said, the competition in this sector is stiff, which has attracted many daring entrepreneurs and seasoned restauranteurs to set up shop. Despite this intensity, Bali continues to attract culinary enthusiasts worldwide with new business ideas, from food trucks to cloud kitchens and coffee drive-thru. In addition to establishing a company to run the restaurant, new owners often require advice on KITAS, land and property ownership, and hiring their first few staff. Please find out how opening a restaurant in Bali speeds up outsourcing administrative and regulation-heavy tasks. Retail: Fashion, FMCG & Services Bali’s retail industry has suffered more than the F&B sector—most closed businesses (along with popular shopping belts in Seminyak and Canggu) are in the retail industry. With so many foreclosures, this could be a rare opportunity for new brands to enter the market. But will Bali’s retail be so different post-pandemic? Or will shop space give rise to a new type of tenant? Pieter Levels, who runs nomadlist.com, has projected that the global Digital Nomad community will reach one billion by 2035. The rise in the digital nomad population and the possibility of a digital nomad visa in Indonesia could shape the type of shops and services that would fill up vacant units in Bali. Prospective business owners planning to set up a shop in Bali might need to cater to both travel and local consumers when deciding on the types of products and price points. Trade & Export With abundant natural resources, land, and human capital, exports are a key contributor to Indonesia’s economy. Indonesia—SEA’s biggest economy—has recorded a monthly trade surplus since May 2020 as coronavirus-related restrictions in the sector started to ease, and trade players were rushing to catch up. Josua Pardede, an economist with Bank Permata, predicts Indonesia will sustain a post-trade surplus for some time due to high commodity prices. Furniture, handicrafts, artifacts, gems, and apparel remain the top few exports for Bali and Indonesia. New trade actors planning to enter Bali must start a Trading Company. READ MORE:4 Tips for Maximizing ROI for Your Bali PropertyHow to Apply for a Multiple Entry Business Visa in Bali, Indonesia? The Guide to Starting A Small Business in Bali Here are the steps for establishing your business in Bali and navigating the legal and administrative processes efficiently. Choose Your Business Activity Research permitted business activities for foreigners on the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) website. Choose an activity that aligns with your interests and goals. Determine the Legal Entity PT PMA (Foreign-Owned Limited Liability Company): PT PMA Bali is the most common choice for foreigners, offering full ownership and the ability to employ foreign staff. Local PT Company: Requires all shareholders to be Indonesian citizens. Register Your Business Register your business with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Bali. Choose between online or in-person registration. Obtain A Business License Secure a business license from the local government. Get A Tax Identification Number (NPWP) Register for an NPWP at the nearest tax office. This is essential for managing your business’s taxes. Open A Business Bank Account Establish a dedicated business bank account. Your NPWP will be required for this step. Secure A Business Visa If you plan to work within your business, obtain a business visa from the Indonesian Immigration Office. This visa ensures compliance with immigration regulations. Guide to Doing Business in Bali & Lombok Mailchimp Free eBook Bali & Lombok Full NameEmail I have read InCorp's Privacy Policy and agree to InCorp using my information provided to contact me about related content, and services.*Download Start Your Small Business in Bali with InCorp Doing business in Bali requires expert guidance to navigate local regulations, ensure legal compliance, and streamline the setup process. This makes managing the administrative, tax, and licensing requirements easier. InCorp Indonesia offers a comprehensive range of services to help you navigate the complexities of setting up a business in this tropical paradise. Our key services include: Company Registration: We’ll handle all the paperwork and formalities to ensure your company is registered efficiently and legally. Business License: We will assist you in obtaining the necessary business licenses and permits. Working KITAS: We’ll guide you through securing a working KITAS for you and your foreign employees. Business Visa: We’ll help you obtain the appropriate business visa to enter and operate your business in Bali. Investor KITAS: If you’re investing in Bali, we can assist with obtaining an investor KITAS. Fill out the form below to turn your Bali business dreams into reality. Read Full Bio Pandu Biasramadhan Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.