5 Reasons Why You Need Employer of Record Service in Indonesia

The number of foreign companies engaging with Employer of Record (EoR) service providers in Indonesia has steadily increased. And this is largely due to Indonesia’s large working-age population and lower wage rates compared to its neighboring countries. EoR services are especially helpful in 2 use cases:

  1. When a foreign company is testing the Indonesia market (before officially establishing a presence).
  2. When a company expands its distributed workforce to meet its growing global demands or global expansion.

In this article, we attempt to explain an EoR service and why is the most effective legal solution for foreign companies planning to hire in Indonesia.

What Is An Employer of Records (EoR)?

An Employer of Record is an appointed company legally responsible for managing all or some of a company’s employees. This includes the full process from recruitment to payroll and work permits. Employees hired under an EoR service become employees of the EoR service provider. However, EoR service providers do not have supervisory functions. This means your company is the decision-maker on compensation, job title, the scope of work, projects, and termination.

In summary, EoR service is an outsourced service that manages the complexities and administration of Indonesia’s labor law and regulations.  Companies planning to penetrate new markets or when looking to expand their workforce cost-efficiently find EoR most useful.

This article explains an EoR service and why it is the most effective legal solution for foreign companies planning to hire in Indonesia.

What Does an Employer of Record Do?

An Employer of Record is an appointed company legally responsible for managing all or some of a company’s employees. This includes the entire process from recruitment to payroll and work permits. Employees hired under an EoR service become employees of the EoR service provider. 

This strategic partnership allows businesses to concentrate on their core activities while delegating essential administrative responsibilities to a specialized third-party entity. The multifaceted functions of an EOR can be summarized as follows:

1. Employment Onboarding and Compliance

EORs handle the intricate process of hiring and onboarding employees. This involves drafting employment contracts, ensuring compliance with local labor laws, and managing necessary documentation. By adhering to legal requirements, EORs provide a solid foundation for a mutually beneficial employer-employee relationship.

2. Payroll and Benefits Administration

EORs manage payroll, including accurate salary calculations, tax deductions, and timely payments. They also administer employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks, guaranteeing that employees receive their entitled compensation and privileges.

3. Legal and Regulatory Adherence

Staying up-to-date with constantly evolving labor laws and regulations is a core function of an EOR. This includes managing statutory benefits, ensuring workplace safety, and handling employment-related legal matters. By doing so, EORs shield companies from legal risks and potential liabilities.

4. Taxation and Reporting

EORs are responsible for accurate tax withholdings and filings for employers and employees. This intricate task demands a deep understanding of local tax codes and regulations to prevent any discrepancies that might arise.

5. Termination and Offboarding

When an employment relationship ends, an EOR handles the termination process in compliance with relevant laws. This includes processing final payments, managing exit interviews, and ensuring a smooth transition for the departing employee and the employer.

6. Flexibility and Scalability 

EOR services offer unparalleled flexibility, enabling businesses to adjust their workforce size to meet changing demands swiftly. This agility allows for growth without the constraints of traditional employment models.

7 Global Expansion Support

For companies looking to expand into new markets, EORs provide an efficient avenue for establishing a local presence. EORs offer insights into countries’ specific labor regulations and business practices, simplifying expansion.

8. Risk Mitigation

Outsourcing employment-related responsibilities can minimize legal, financial, and operational risks. EORs possess the expertise to navigate intricate labor landscapes, ensuring clients remain compliant and insulated from potential legal complications.

Read more: 3 Most Important Benefits of Using Employer of Record in Indonesia 

The Difference Between EOR and PEO

Distinguishing between an Employer of Record (EOR) and a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) reveals two distinct strategies in workforce administration. While they share certain similarities, their purposes diverge to accommodate varying business needs. 

What to Look for in Employer of Record Services?

Why do You Need An Employer of Record Service in Indonesia?

Selecting the right Employer of Record (EOR) services is a critical decision that can significantly influence a company’s success in managing its workforce. When seeking an EOR partner, several vital considerations should guide your evaluation to ensure a seamless and compliant employment experience. Here are the crucial factors to look for:

1. Global Expertise

The EOR must have an in-depth grasp of local labor laws and regulations. Ensure they can handle all legal aspects of employment, from onboarding to termination, to protect your company from potential risks.

2. Compliance Knowledge 

The EOR must have an in-depth grasp of local labor laws and regulations. Ensure they can handle all legal aspects of employment, from onboarding to termination, to protect your company from potential risks.

3. Industry Experience

Look for an EOR with a track record of serving your industry, for example, employer of record service payroll. Different sectors have unique employment requirements, and an EOR with industry-specific expertise can better cater to your needs.

4. Technology and Transparency 

A robust digital platform that provides real-time insights into payroll, benefits, and compliance can streamline your experience. Transparency in reporting and processes fosters trust and clarity.

5. Scalability

As your business grows, your workforce needs may change. A flexible EOR should be able to accommodate both the expansion and reduction of your employee base without complications.

6. Payroll Accuracy

Accurate and timely payroll processing is crucial for employee satisfaction and regulatory compliance. Ensure the EOR’s payroll procedures are reliable and aligned with local tax codes.

7. Benefits Administration

Employee benefits play a significant role in job satisfaction. An EOR that efficiently manages benefits administration, including health plans and retirement options, can enhance your employees’ experience.

8. Support Services

Consider the level of support the EOR offers. A dedicated team that promptly addresses queries and concerns can significantly improve your overall experience.

9. Reputation and References

Research the EOR’s reputation in the industry. Seek references from current or past clients to gain insights into their service quality, reliability, and commitment to compliance.

10. Local Presence

Having a local presence in each jurisdiction is beneficial if your operations are in multiple countries. This ensures that the EOR understands the local market intricacies and can cater to your specific needs.

Selecting the right Employer for Record services requires a comprehensive assessment of your company’s needs and goals. By prioritizing these considerations, you can establish a partnership that simplifies workforce management and ensures compliance, growth, and employee satisfaction.

Read more: How Can Employer of Record in Indonesia Help Your Company Achieve Its Goal

The Benefits of Employer of Record Services

Employer of Record (EOR) services have emerged as a transformative solution for businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of workforce management while focusing on core objectives. Adopting EOR services brings various benefits, contributing to operational efficiency, compliance, and growth.

1. Global Expansion Made Effortless

EOR services offer an expedited route for companies expanding their operations into new markets. By leveraging the expertise of EORs, businesses can sidestep the intricate web of local labor laws, regulations, and administrative requirements that vary from country to country. This accelerates establishing a global presence and minimizes the risks associated with compliance gaps.

2. Streamlined Compliance

Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of employment laws, regulations, and tax codes demands dedicated attention. EORs specialize in maintaining up-to-date knowledge of these complexities, ensuring that businesses remain compliant with local and international mandates. This mitigates the potential legal and financial risks that arise from non-compliance.

3. Administrative Efficiency

Outsourcing employment-related administrative tasks to EORs liberates internal resources, allowing businesses to concentrate on their core competencies. EORs manage the intricacies of payroll processing, benefits administration, tax withholdings, and more. This streamlined approach reduces administrative burdens and enhances overall operational efficiency.

4. Speed and Agility

EOR services allow businesses to scale their workforce up or down rapidly. In a dynamic business landscape, this agility is a strategic advantage, enabling companies to respond swiftly to changing market demands without the constraints of traditional employment models.

5. Risk Mitigation

By partnering with EORs, companies transfer certain risks associated with employment to experts who are well-versed in handling them. EORs understand the legal complexities and potential pitfalls, making them adept at minimizing legal, financial, and operational risks that could otherwise hinder growth.

In a landscape where businesses increasingly operate across borders and face intricate labor regulations, Employer of Record services provide a beacon of efficiency, compliance, and growth. By entrusting employment-related responsibilities to EORs, companies empower themselves to focus on innovation, expansion, and core competencies.

Why Use Employer of Record (EoR) Service Providers in Indonesia?

The approach to setting up a company differs from country to country. Foreign investors and companies setting up a company in Indonesia must note 3 key factors.

  1. Setting up a foreign-owned company can be quick only if you have all the correct documentation.
  2. Based on Indonesia’s Positive Investment List, your company’s business sector must be fully open for foreign investments.
  3. An Indonesian citizen must hold a human resources position in Indonesia.

Considering the cost, time, and resources required to manage the processes mentioned above, the benefits of an EoR service become evident for companies who need to hire from Indonesia’s labor force.

1. Complying with Indonesian Labor Law and Regulations

An employer of record (EoR) service provider in Indonesia complies with the country’s federal, state, and local employment laws. As Labor and immigration policies in Indonesia are undergoing reforms, corporate compliance can become a massive obstacle. 

EoR enables a company to transfer all employment laws, responsibilities, and duties to an EoR service provider to mitigate legal violations.

2. Outsourcing HR Duties for Your Business

In Indonesia, only its citizens are eligible to work in human resources, locally-based employees must have their payroll issued by a company registered in Indonesia, and the ‘remote payroll’ practice – salary remitted by a company’s home country, is not permitted in Indonesia. 

Therefore, all aspects of human resource management are undertaken by an EoR service provider. Here’s Full Employer of Record (EoR) services from InCorp Indonesia:

Read more: How Can Employer of Record in Indonesia Help Your Company Achieve Its Goal

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InCorp Indonesia as Your Employer of Record Provider 

The recent regulation reforms to improve Indonesia’s investment climate are fast-changing, making it difficult for some new entrants to keep abreast. As a market-entry consulting firm, InCorp brings to our clients over a decade of business in Indonesia. EoR is one of many business process outsourcing services we can advise and execute.

If you want to streamline your business operations in Indonesia, fill in the form below with a brief description of your inquiry, and one of our consultants will contact you shortly. 

Perbedaan Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing vs Tenaga Kerja Lokal

Sebagai salah satu negara dengan kekuatan perekonomian dan potensi pasar terbesar di dunia. Indonesia berhasil menjadi destinasi menarik bagi investor mancanegara. Hal tersebut tentu menawarkan banyak opsi terkait lapangan pekerjaan bagi penduduk lokal maupun warga negara asing untuk bekerja di Indonesia.

Namun, sebelum mempersiapkan kriteria khusus terkait tenaga kerja di Indonesia, perusahaan asing perlu memahami tentang perbedaan tenaga kerja asing dan tenaga kerja lokal terlebih dahulu. Tidak bisa dipungkiri, perusahaan yang melakukan ekspansi di Indonesia dan membutuhkan banyak talenta berkuaitas.

Dalam memastikan kualifikasi tenaga kerja, perusahaan memiliki dua opsi ketentuan dalam rekrutmen terkait kegiatan operasional di Indonesia.

  • Mempekerjakan orang asing dengan keahlian khusus.
  • Merekrut penduduk lokal untuk memenuhi permintaan.

Dua ketentuan tersebut perlu perlu disesuaikan dengan Undang-Undang dan peraturan ketenagakerjaan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Jika tidak mematuhi peraturan yang ada, maka perusahaan dapat terkena sanksi pelanggaran dan berhadapan dengan penegak hukum.

Sebagai pelaku usaha di Indonesia, artikel ini dapat membantu Anda dalam mengetahui tentang perbedaan tenaga kerja asing dan tenaga kerja lokal. Pengetahuan ini dapat memudahkan pelaku usaha untuk mendapatkan sumber daya atau tenaga kerja yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan.

Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing di Indonesia

Untuk menjaga operasional perusahaan asing yang melakukan ekspansi ke luar negeri, salah satu komponen penting yang memerlukan perhatian lebih adalah kualitas karyawan. Oleh karena itu, merekrut tenaga kerja asing dengan kapabilitas yang sesuai bisa jadi solusi instan dalam masa expansi bisnis awal.

Tenaga kerja asing asing biasanya memiliki pemahaman mendalam mengenai keahlian tertentu tentang produk, sistem dan kebijakan secara internasional. Meskipun begitu, perusahaan perlu memastikan bahwa tenaga kerja asing dapat mematuhi Undang Undang imigrasi di Indonesia.
Sebagai acuan, Peraturan Pemerintah No. 20 Tahun 2018 tentang Tenaga Kerja Asing (TKA) dan Peraturan Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan No. 10

Tahun 2018 tentang Prosedur Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing merupakan landasan regulasi yang perlu perusahaan pahami.
Pemerintah Indonesia secara berkala terus menilai peraturan ketenagakerjaan yang berlaku dalam meningkatkan iklim positif bagi bisnis. Untuk mengetahui peraturan terkini, konsultan InCorp Indonesia dapat membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak informasi penting.

Syarat Merekrut Tenaga Kerja Asing

Regulasi dari Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia menyatakan bahwa hanya organisasi atau institusi dengan kualifikasi berikut yang dapat mempekerjakan warga negara asing:

  1. Badan hukum asing yang terdaftar di Indonesia
  2. Perwakilan negara asing, organisasi internasional, agensi internasional, agensi pemerintah
  3. Kantor perwakilan perusahaan asing, kantor perwakilan perusahaan perdagangan asing dan agensi berita asing yang diinkorporasikan di Indonesia
  4. Perseroan Terbatas (PT) dan yayasan
  5. Institusi pendidikan, sosial, budaya dan agama
  6. Penyelenggara acara olahraga, hiburan dan seni

Persyaratan bagi Perusahaan untuk Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing

Perusahaan diwajibkan melalui tahap-tahap berikut untuk mempekerjakan orang asing:

  1. Mendapatkan persetujuan Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing (RPTKA) oleh Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan atau pejabat berwenang
    Membayar USD 100 per bulan sebagai kompensasi bagi DKP-TKA. Biaya tersebut meliputi satu tenaga kera asing dan tidak berlaku bagi institusi dan organisasi tertentu
  2. Perusahaan mendaftarkan program asuransi di Indonesia kepada tenaga kerja asing
  3. Penunjukan Tenaga Kerja Pendamping (Indonesian Companion Employees) untuk membagikan keahlian dan teknologi dari tenaga kerja asing
  4. Penyediaan latihan bagi Tenaga Kerja Pendamping

Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing (RPTKA) dan Pembebasan RPTKA

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Nomor 8 Tahun 2021 tentang Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing, pengesahan RPTKA tidak lagi diperlukan bagi direksi dan komisaris asing dengan kepemilikan saham tertentu di perusahaan.

Pengesahan RPTKA juga mendapat peengecualian bagi orang asing yang melakukan kegiatan diplomatik dan konsuler, pekerja dalam kegiatan darurat, serta kegiatan vokasional untuk perusahaan rintisan (startup) berbasis teknologi di Indonesia.

Namun, perlu Anda ketahui juga bahwa pengecualian untuk startup ini hanya berlaku selama tiga bulan. Setelah itu perusahaan harus mengajukan RPTKA hingga mendapatkan persetujuan.

Pengecualian yang hadir membuat perekrutan tenaga kerja asing jauh lebih mudah dan nyaman bagi perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia.

Pajak bagi Tenaga Kerja Asing

Tenaga kerja asing memiliki kewajiban untuk membayar pajak perorangan selama menetap di Indonesia lebih dari 183 hari dalam waktu 12 bulan berturut-turut. Oleh karena itu, tenaga kerja asing wajib mengajukan pendaftaran Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) di kantor pelayanan pajak.

Sebagai gambaran, berikut adalah persentase pajak progresif bagi wajib pajak perorangan dengan status penduduk asing di Indonesia berdasarkan pendapatan tahunan:

  1. IDR 1-50 juta: 5%
  2. IDR 50 – 250 juta: 15%
  3. IDR 250 – 500 juta: 25%
  4. Di atas IDR 500 juta: 30%

Persyaratan Visa Kerja bagi Tenaga Kerja Asing di Indonesia

Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja (MOM) No. 8/2021 bertujuan untuk menyederhanakan izin pekerja asing serta visa kerja mereka. Penerapan peraturan baru ini memastikan proses yang lebih efisien dan lebih cepat bagi perusahaan.

Jika memenuhi syarat, warga negara asing berhak untuk memiliki visa kerja yang berlaku satu bulan hingga dua tahun. Perusahaan berperan sebagai sponsor untuk pengesahan dan perpanjangan visa kerja.

Namun, berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja No. 349/2019, orang asing tidak dapat bekerja dan mendapatkan izin kerja untuk posisi berikut:

  • Direktur Personalia
  • Manajer Hubungan Industrial
  • Manajer Sumber Daya Manusia
  • Pengawas Pengembangan Personalia
  • Pengawas Perekrutan Personil
  • Pengawas Penempatan Personil
  • Supervisor Pengembangan Karir Karyawan
  • Personil Menyatakan Administrator
  • Spesialis Personalia dan Karir
  • Spesialis Personalia
  • Penasihat Pekerjaan
  • Penasihat dan Konselor Pekerjaan
  • Mediator Karyawan
  • Administrator Pelatihan Kerja
  • Pewawancara Pekerjaan
  • Analis Pekerjaan, dan;
  • Spesialis Keselamatan Kerja

Berbagai jenis izin kerja di antara lainnya adalah izin kerja mendesak (masa berlaku 1 bulan), izin kerja sementara (2-6 bulan) dan izin kerja jangka panjang (7-12 bulan).

Tidak mendaftar sebagai wajib pajak di Indonesia, orang asing yang tidak dapat mendapatkan izin kerja dan dianggap melanggar hukum Indonesia. Pelanggaran terberat berupa denda sebesar IDR 500 juta dan/atau 5 tahun penjara.

Melakukan konsultasi kepada konsultan bisnis terpercaya seperti InCorp Indonesia dapat membantu perusahaan terbebas dari masalah hukum terkait ketenagakerjaan.

Mempekerjakan Karyawan Lokal di Indonesia

Bukanlah rahasia bahwa talenta Indonesia sekarang semakin banyak. Hal tersebut hadir berkat populasi Indonesia yang padat dan demografi penduduk usia muda yang meningkat pesat. Sehingga, saat ini banyak potensi yang bisa pekerja lokal temui dalam mengembangkan karier.

Perusahaan juga dapat memanfaatkan kondisi tersebut. Pekerja lokal mampu meningkatkan potensi ekspansi bisnis di Indonesia. Pasalnya, tenaga kerja Indonesia yang berpengalaman sudah lebih akrab dengan adat lokal dan cara menjalankan bisnis di Indonesia.

Uji Kelayakan saat Proses Perekrutan

Proses mempekerjakan karyawan baru dapat sangat membuang waktu dan biaya yang relatif mahal. Dalam mengelola sistem rekrutmen untuk menemukan talenta terbaik, perusahaan perlu melakukan uji kelayakan saat akan mempekerjakan talenta lokal yang tepat. Berikut beberapa dasar uji kelayakan perusahaan:

  1. Pemeriksaan kredensial
  2. Pemeriksaan latar belakang pribadi
  3. Pemeriksaan referensi
  4. Wawancara

Proses ini penting untuk perusahaan lakukan dalam sebuah sistem rekrutmen. Langkah-langkah tersebut berguna sebagai verifikasi informasi faktual yang tercantum pada resume.

Rekrutmen Outsource

Proses rekurmen secara outsource jadi salah satu solusi yang bisa dipilih oleh perusahaan saat mencari tenaga kerja yang sesuai. Dengan melakukan proses rekrutmen outsource melalui konsultan tepercaya, perusahaan dapat fokus pada kegiatan bisnis utama.

Proses rekrutmen outsource memiliki manfaat yang signifikandi negara seperti Indonesia. Negara Asia Tenggara menawarkan banyak tenaga kerja lokal berkualitas untuk meningkatkan iklim kesempatan kerja dan bisnis yang luas secara global.

Memilih Tenaga Kerja Terbaik bersama InCorp Indonesia

Untuk informasi mengenai rekrutmen, uji kelayakan, perpajakan atau izin kerja di Indonesia, InCorp Indonesia siap melayani Anda. Hubungi kami sekarang dan dapatkan informasi terkini bersama dengan penawarwan gratis untuk bisnis Anda.

Kami akan membantu Anda memutuskan apakah mempekerjakan tenaga kerja asing atau talenta lokal merupakan kebutuhan terbaik bagi bisnis Anda.