Work Visa Singapore

Work Visas in Singapore

In general, there are three work visa options for all your foreign employees:

  • Work Permit for laborers and domestic workers
  • S Pass for mid-level skilled workers
  • Employment Passes (EP) for experienced PMEs, i.e., professional, managerial, and executive personnel with good credentials.

An additional category is Singapore Personalised Employment Pass, which is not tied to any employer and is discussed below.

What is a Singapore Work Permit

In Singapore, work permits are for basic-skilled workers from an approved source territory. This approval is given depending on the sector the worker has a job offer from. Importantly, the minimum age restriction for this work visa is 18 years for all non-domestic foreign workers. The upper limit, meanwhile, is 58 years for Malaysians and 50 years for non-Malaysians.

application for work permit
signing a paper

How to Obtain a Work Visa in Singapore

If you’re considering working in Singapore, you must get a work visa. Here’s how to do it in a few simplified steps:

  • Securing a job
  • Employer’s assistance
  • Health Check
  • Waiting for Approval
  • In-Principle Approval
  • Collect Your Pass:

Follow the IPA instructions for entering Singapore and collecting your work pass. Ensure you meet any additional requirements, like providing fingerprints or more documents.

Requirement for Work Visas in Singapore

Employers must consider these vital requirements before sponsoring employees to obtain work visas in Singapore. Both these mechanisms for work visas in Singapore have been devised considering the need to regulate foreign manpower in Singapore.

  • Foreign Worker Levy (FWL)
    Employers are required to pay FWL to the Singapore Government. The costs are varied regarding the business sectors as well as the educational qualifications of the workers.
  • Dependency Ratio Ceiling (DRC)
    DRC must be adhered by all employers in Singapore. DRC is the permitted ratio of foreign workers and the total workforce in a Singapore company.
woman working

What is a Singapore S Pass

S Pass is a type of work permit issued to mid-level skilled foreigners in Singapore. S Pass holders are subject to the same regulations as Work Permit, FWL, and DRC holders. 

The monthly salary for S Pass holders ranges from S$315 to S$550. There is also a sub-Dependency Ceiling (sub-DC) of 15% for S Pass holders in service sector companies and 20% for those in other sectors.

What is a Singapore Employment Pass (EP)

Employees holding an EP and earning a salary of at least S$4,000 per month can bring their families to Singapore by applying for a Dependant Pass or a Long-Term Visit Pass. EPs are usually valid for three years and have certain eligibility requirements.

  • Nature of PME roles.
  • A monthly salary of at least S$3,300 for young, inexperienced applicants, but experienced applicants have a higher salary threshold.
  • Acceptable qualifications.

Importantly, Foreign workers may also apply for permanent residency after residing in Singapore for six months.

Singapore’s Personalised Employment Pass

The Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) is a Singapore work pass for high-level professionals that is not tied to any employer. PEP holders can pursue any job opportunity in Singapore without needing to reapply when changing employers. The pass is issued based on the applicant’s last drawn salary.

  • Overseas last drawn fixed monthly salary must be at least S$18,000 within the last six months.
  • EP holders in Singapore earning at least a monthly salary of S$12,000 can also apply for PEP.

David Susandi

Branch Manager – Bali Office at InCorp Indonesia

Holding 11 years of experience in various roles, including project manager, operational manager, and corporate strategist, David Susandi is a prominent figure for many entrepreneurial organizations expanding in Indonesia.

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We do not act as an authorized government or non-government provider for official documents and services, which is issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia or its appointed officials.

We do not promote any official government document or services of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, including but not limited to, business identifiers, health and welfare assistance programs and benefits, unclaimed tax rebate, electronic travel visa and authorization, passports in this website.

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We were searching for suitable partner for the begining of our operation on Indonesian market. After short exploration and recommendation from our business partners we decided for Cekindo. Local knowledge, orientation at our business problematics, contacts and language. In a friendly approach combined with professional service. Consultation before the project – avoids so much unnecessary act of “foreigners” worse overview of the Indonesian legislative.
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