indonesia cosmetics - import requirements

Building Inspection and the Responsible Technical Person for Cosmetic Importers

  • InCorp Editorial Team
  • 25 September 2020
  • 2 reading time

Lately, cosmetics have become a booming trend in Indonesia. There have been thousands of cosmetic products that have been registered at the Indonesia FDA (BPOM) in 2020 alone. The increasing number of cosmetic products entering Indonesia drove the BPOM to upgrade their regulation on cosmetics just recently.

In the latest regulation regarding cosmetic product registration in Indonesia, there are some additions for the requirements.

As the regulation has been signed and implemented since June 2020, all new companies, especially importers, are required to create new accounts for product registration with the BPOM to comply with this new regulation.

Newest Regulation on Cosmetics in Indonesia

Some highlighted parts of the new regulation are as follows:

• Office and Warehouse audit

Previously before the latest regulation was implemented, cosmetic importers were allowed to register their accounts with the BPOM as long as they had already had the company documents such as NIB, SIUP, etc.

However, in accordance with the current regulation, it is required to apply for an office and warehouse audit to the district authority and get a recommendation letter from them before you can register your account with the BPOM.

• Responsible Technical Person

Referring to the previous regulation, there was nothing that regulated the education background required to become the Responsible Technical Person to take care of cosmetics in Indonesia. But now, in accordance with the newest regulation, it is mentioned that the education background for the Responsible Technical Person in cosmetics should be from either medicine, pharmacy, biology or chemistry.

With this latest regulation, BPOM is improving the quality of cosmetic importers in Indonesia, in hope that all cosmetic importers will be able to comply with the regulation and maintain the quality of the imported cosmetic products.

Related article: Everything to Know about Contamination in Cosmetic Products in Indonesia

Cosmetic Product Registration in Indonesia with Assistance from Cekindo

Complying with the local regulations and satisfying all the requirements are important if you want to have a successful cosmetic business in Indonesia.

You can contact our team of experts for further consultation before initiating the cosmetic registration process in Indonesia. Fill in the form below.

Daris Salam

COO Indonesia at InCorp Indonesia

With more than 10 years of expertise in accounting and finance, Daris Salam dedicates his knowledge to consistently improving the performance of InCorp Indonesia and maintaining clients and partnerships.

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