5 Indonesian Trademark Registration Guide to Avoid Common Mistakes

5 Indonesian Trademark Registration Guide to Avoid Common Mistakes

  • InCorp Editorial Team
  • 27 December 2023
  • 3 minute reading time

When starting a business in Indonesia, one crucial consideration is understanding the Indonesian trademark registration guide. It is imperative to know whether to trademark your business name and logo. Trademark registration offers invaluable protection for your intellectual property (IP) and ensures long-term security for your business. 

This guide will explore the benefits of trademark registration and highlight the five most common mistakes to avoid.

The Importance of Trademark Registration in Indonesia

Due to the rapidly growing market and increased competition, the Indonesian trademark registration guide is essential for businesses operating in Indonesia. By registering your trademark, you secure exclusive rights to your business name and logo, preventing others from using or imitating them. This safeguard is especially crucial in a “first-come-first-served” system, where the first applicant gains trademark ownership.

Read more: Trademark Registration in Indonesia Simplified

The IKEA Case: A Cautionary Tale

An example of the significance of trademark registration is the case of IKEA, the Swedish furniture giant, losing its trademark dispute to PT Ratania Khatulistiwa, an Indonesian rattan furniture company. 

Despite registering its trademark twice, IKEA only actively used it for commercial purposes for three consecutive years, leading to the loss of its brand. This serves as a stark reminder that inactive trademarks are vulnerable to challenges.

Five Common Trademark Registration Mistakes to Avoid

Following the Indonesian trademark registration guide, here are five mistakes you can avoid before registration. 

1. Waiting Until the Last Minute

Prompt trademark registration is vital, as delaying the process may result in others hijacking your unique trademark, potentially harming your brand’s reputation.

2. Neglecting Proper Research 

Conduct thorough market research to ensure your intended trademark does not infringe upon existing trademarks. This step will prevent unintentional trademark violations and legal consequences.

3. Overlooking the Investment Aspect

View trademark registration as an investment rather than a mere expense. Safeguarding your brand and IP is crucial for long-term growth and global success.

4. Presuming Brand Popularity Will Suffice

Do not assume that a famous brand name alone will protect your business in Indonesia. Active use of the trademark is essential to maintain its legal standing.

5. Revealing Sensitive Information

Avoid sharing confidential business information without proper protection. Disclosing trade secrets can lead to competitors taking advantage of your intellectual property.

Register Your Trademark with InCorp Indonesia

Trademark registration is fundamental in safeguarding your business’s brand and intellectual property in Indonesia. By avoiding common trademark registration mistakes, you can ensure the longevity and success of your business in a competitive market. 

Remember, trademark registration is not just an expense but a strategic investment for the future. Let InCorp Indonesia helps you take proactive steps to secure your business with our trademark registration services in Indonesia today.

Pandu Biasramadhan

Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia

An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.

Get in touch with us.

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We do not act as an authorized government or non-government provider for official documents and services, which is issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia or its appointed officials.

We do not promote any official government document or services of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, including but not limited to, business identifiers, health and welfare assistance programs and benefits, unclaimed tax rebate, electronic travel visa and authorization, passports in this website.

Frequent Asked Questions

How an application is handled is based on a "first-come-first-served" basis. If you delay your trademark registration, somebody else may have registered your trademark first. You will then lose your unique trademark.

You can transfer the license as long as your current local distributor agrees to change the product license holder. The procedure will be different for each product category. We can only recommend you try to prevent these issues by setting cooperation with a trustworthy partner from the beginning

Before you can distribute your products in Indonesia, you will have to register your product with the BPOM (National Agency of Food and Drugs) and MoH (Ministry of Health). Only an Indonesian legal entity can register the product. If you decide to distribute your product via a local distributor, they will register the product under their entity in Indonesia and become the product license holder. Cekindo can act as your local distributor and register the product under its name.