Regulations for Free Trade Zone (PPFTZ 01, 02, & 03)

Regulations for Free Trade Zone (PPFTZ 01, 02, & 03)

  • InCorp Editorial Team
  • 25 July 2024
  • 5 minute reading time

A Free Trade Zone (FTZ) carries tremendous interest from foreign investors. FTZ is a designated area within a country where goods can be imported, processed, and exported without the interference of customs duties and taxes.  

Although it benefits investors or business actors, FTZs mission is to drive economic growth by attracting foreign investment, generating employment, and boosting trade.

A thorough understanding of the regulations governing Free Trade Zones (FTZ) operations is crucial to ensure their smooth functioning.

Whether you are a business owner or an individual looking to invest in an FTZ in Indonesia, this article will provide valuable insights and information to help you make informed decisions before establishing and expanding companies in Indonesia.

What is a Free Trade Zone? 

A Free Trade Zone is a fruitful policy that exempts customs regulations, such as taxes and levies, for certain facilities specifically applicable only to a particular region. 

A variety of rules control trade in this area. Investors may use this method to launch enterprises in the area.

There were specific Indonesian regions previously known as Free Trade Zone. However, as of 29 February 2016, the Indonesian Government has opted to change the area to Special Economic Zones through Presidential Decree No. 8 of the Year 2016. 

However, the essence of the policy remains the same, as the region still relishes specific tax facilities and incentives offered to increase investment. 

The Special Economic Zones in Indonesia include: Kendal, Morotai, Bitung, mandalika, Palu, Sorong and others as such. Others are currently in the preparatory stage. 

Procedure for Importing and Exporting Goods to and from the Free Trade Zone Area

Regulations for Free Trade Zone (PPFTZ 01, 02, & 03)

Only business owners with business licenses from the Zone Management Agency can enter and release products into and out of free trade zones. 

The special business licenses complement the submissions of customs notifications and accompanying documentation electronically. 

The submission process must go through the customs electronic data exchange system (PDE) linked to the NLE and Indonesian National Single Window (INSW) systems.

There are a few documents to be noted and utilized while submitting documents in the Free Trade Zone. 

There are three types of Free Trade Zone Customs Notification Document or Pemberitahuan Pabean Free Trade Zone (PPFTZ), which will be further detailed in the parts below. 

Understanding The PPFTZ 01, 02, & 03

Regulations for Free Trade Zone (PPFTZ 01, 02, & 03)

These essential customs notification documents are regulated in greater detail under Ministry of Finance Regulation No. 48 the Year 2012, as last amended by Ministry of Finance Regulation No. 42 the Year 2020.

1. Regulations for PPFTZ 01

This document is customs notification for the entry and release of goods to and from the Free Trade Zone from and outside the customs area, and release of goods from the Free Trade Zone to other places within the customs area.

2. Regulations for PPFTZ 02

The second document is a customs notification for entry and release of goods to and from Free Trade Zones from and to bonded stockpiling areas, other Free Trade Areas, and special economic zones.

3. Regulations for PPFTZ 03

The last document to be noted is one for the entry of goods into Free Trade Zones from other places in customs areas. 

It is important to remember that only entrepreneurs who have obtained a business license from the Regional Entrepreneurs Agency (Badan Pengawas Kawasan) are authorized to import and export goods from free zones.

The Regional Entrepreneurs Body is a central government institution or agency established by the Zone Council (Dewan Kawasan) with the task and authority to manage and develop the Free Trade Zone and Free Port Special Economic Zone.

PPFTZ Document Management Requirements

There are several general requirements for customs notification that they are to be filed using A4-sized paper. 

It is necessary to prepare four copies of the customs notification, each for the Customs Office (Kantor Pabean), Directorate General of Taxation (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak), Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik), and Bank Indonesia. 

The notifications should be filled in the Indonesian language, Latin letters, and Arabic numbers. The use of the English language is only allowed for certain exceptions: 

  • Mentioning the name of a place or address;
  • Mentioning the name of a person or legal entity;
  • Mentioning description of goods that do not have equivalent words in Indonesian for it;
  • Mentioning descriptions of goods with equivalent words in Indonesian for it, but it is necessary to note the technical terms in English due to international understanding of the term.

Aside from that, these notifications should also be accompanied by attachment sheets which shall include the following: 

  • Additional customs notification in case there are more than one tariff heading and/or more than one description of goods; 
  • The container follow-up sheet contains data regarding the container and if the number of containers notified is more than 1;
  • Additional sheet for supplementary documents. 

With the constant change in regulations and requirements, business entities may need help to keep up. 
InCorp Indonesia (formerly Cekindo) offers a one-stop solution to assist with product registration, ensuring that your products comply with the regulations and standards of the Indonesian for ease in benefiting from the special economic zones within Indonesia.

Pandu Biasramadhan

Senior Consulting Manager at InCorp Indonesia

An expert for more than 10 years, Pandu Biasramadhan, has an extensive background in providing top-quality and comprehensive business solutions for enterprises in Indonesia and managing regional partnership channels across Southeast Asia.

Get in touch with us.

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Disclaimer: The information is provided by PT. Cekindo Business International (“InCorp Indonesia/ we”) for general purpose only and we make no representations or warranties of any kind.

We do not act as an authorized government or non-government provider for official documents and services, which is issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia or its appointed officials.

We do not promote any official government document or services of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, including but not limited to, business identifiers, health and welfare assistance programs and benefits, unclaimed tax rebate, electronic travel visa and authorization, passports in this website.

Frequent Asked Questions

You can transfer the license as long as your current local distributor agrees to change the product license holder. The procedure will be different for each product category. We can only recommend you try to prevent these issues by setting cooperation with a trustworthy partner from the beginning

Before you can distribute your products in Indonesia, you will have to register your product with the BPOM (National Agency of Food and Drugs) and MoH (Ministry of Health). Only an Indonesian legal entity can register the product. If you decide to distribute your product via a local distributor, they will register the product under their entity in Indonesia and become the product license holder. Cekindo can act as your local distributor and register the product under its name.

There are two main types, namely, primary business licenses and non-primary business licenses. The primary ones commonly apply to various industries, such as general and industrial business licenses. Additional non-primary ones are included, depending on the operations of your business. Examples of non-primary business licenses are operational and commercial licenses.

Yes, you must apply for it to be able to issue work permits for your foreign employees. This permanent business license is also a prerequisite for the applications for other business licenses and import licenses.