wrong bpo indonesia

7 Obvious Signs You’ve Chosen the Wrong Business Process Outsourcing Provider in Indonesia

  • InCorp Editorial Team
  • 22 October 2019
  • 4 reading time

Business process outsourcing (BPO) has changed the way most people do business in Indonesia. Many businesses consider outsourcing as one of the optimal solutions for their organisations to increase efficiency, productivity and revenue. Outsourcing does all the work for you, from recruitment and HR establishment to accounting and tax reporting.

With all the good things about business process outsourcing, there is one major challenge though: have you found the right outsourcing partner for your business? How do you know when something has gone wrong during the process?

As a smart business owner, you need to pay attention to the early signs to prevent a more serious disaster you cannot solve later.

In this guide, Cekindo has gathered insightful information from our clients – the seven obvious signs you know that you have chosen the wrong business process outsourcing provider.

7 Signs You Have Chosen the Wrong BPO Provider in Indonesia

1. Issues that Keep Happening

There is no 100% guarantee that your business process outsourcing will go completely smooth. A minor problem that occurs once in a while is fine but if the issue keeps coming back during the outsourcing process, you know that it is time to reevaluate your outsourcing provider.

wrong bpo provider indonesia

2. Your Clients Aren’t as Satisfied as Before

A great business always treats client satisfaction as a top priority of their business strategy.

Your business will only prosper when you clients are satisfied with your products and services.

Therefore, when you have noticed that your client satisfaction has been decreasing over time, this is a red flag that your outsourcing provider is not doing a good job.

Talk to your provider to see what the problem is and if there is any way they can improve client satisfaction. If they do not prioritise this critical part, it will eventually lead to detrimental client dissatisfaction, decreased revenue and negative reputation.

3. Your Outsourcing Provider Is not Committed

A complete and on-going support is expected from your outsourcing provider for every business. Being able to deliver the highest quality of service on-time is an important component in an outsourcing partnership.

Hence, if your outsourcing partner fails to maintain their service quality and is always behind schedule, it may be time for you to stop the relationship and foster a new one with a more reliable provider.

bpo indonesia provider

4. They Have High Turnover Rate

If you think that a business with low turnover rate is important to you, then choosing an outsourcing partner with stable employee retention is a must-have.

An outsourcing company with high turnover rate and frequent temporary workforce is not a healthy partner for your business.

In other words, it means their employees may be unhappy due to unsatisfactory labour policies or poor work environment.

An outsourcing company like this is translated as inexperienced, lack of reliability and consistency. All in all, this can have a negative impact on the service they provide to your business.

5. Inadequate and Vague Communications

Just as important as the mentioned signs is communication. Almost all businesses would agree that communication is key when it comes to fostering a long-term, reliable and valuable business relationship.

Your communication with your outsourcing partner needs to be clear without inconsistency and assumptions. For example, if you are directed to a different person each time you want to discuss the outsourcing project instead of a project manager, this is an obvious sign that your outsourcing partner does not take your business seriously.

wrong bpo provider indonesia

6. No Social Proof or Client Testimonials

When you cannot find any positive reviews or testimonials online or offline about your outsourcing partner, it could be a clear indication that they may not be qualified for your business.

7. Poor Financial Performance

You need to know the financial health of the outsourcing company that you partner with.

Verify their financial records to determine whether the outsourcing provider you are considering is a good fit for your business.

If the company performs poorly financially, you know that they are incapable of managing their resources. Do not make them become your business’ liability, you are better off looking for someone else.

Why Choose Cekindo

Business process outsourcing can be an ideal strategy to grow your business if you choose your outsourcing partner wisely.

Cekindo, as a leading BPO provider in Indonesia, has a dedicated team of experts that can live up to your business expectations. Get started by contacting us now to make your business more efficient and profitable.

Fill in the form below or discuss your needs directly in one of our offices in Jakarta, Bali and Semarang.

Daris Salam

COO Indonesia at InCorp Indonesia

With more than 10 years of expertise in accounting and finance, Daris Salam dedicates his knowledge to consistently improving the performance of InCorp Indonesia and maintaining clients and partnerships.

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