coworking space indonesia for business women

How can Women Benefit from Coworking Spaces in Indonesia?

  • InCorp Editorial Team
  • 3 September 2019
  • 4 minutes reading time

In Indonesia, the trend of coworking space has also been on the rise for quite some time.

For businesswomen, where and how you do business and work has transformed significantly over the years.

Nowadays, many have seen the benefits of being part of the exciting coworking community owing to its freedom and flexibility, in terms of time, location, commuting, and communications.

In addition to the freedom and flexibility that a coworking space provides, joining a coworking space has major perks for professional career women that do not get mentioned a lot.

Therefore, for all the women building their startups, growing their brands and finding the right people to come up with their next big ideas, you need to read on to find out about the perks you can enjoy from a coworking space in Indonesia.

Benefits of A Coworking Space in Indonesia for Businesswomen

coworking space indonesia

You can Find Your Mentor

In a coworking space, a businesswoman like you can learn from people of different fields – creative managers, journalists, social media managers, expert programmers, etc. Their knowledge and experience can inspire you and unleash your full potential that you may not have expected.

One of the core values of coworking space is to provide a learning and idea sharing environment through mentorship.

Mentoring is particularly vital for entrepreneurs, regardless of their industries and experience.

In fact, startups or small businesses that are actively involved in mentorship have twice the survival rate compared to businesses that do not have a mentoring relationship.

No More Isolation and Hierarchy

Most professional ladies and successful woman entrepreneurs find their second home in a coworking space. This dynamic space does not have the typical corporate environment.

Instead, it encourages women to share their ideas and enjoy social contacts without being isolated.

A business venture can be a long and challenging journey if you are doing it on your own without the support of like-minded people.

While coworking space gets you away from the burden of a corporate, it helps you to have the human interaction you crave and find the right people to grow your team while you are pursuing your dream.

Physical Location Gives Practicality

While it has become so easy for most women to work from home due to the advanced technologies such as high-speed internet connection and high-tech computer, making home your only workspace does have some limitations.

You cannot conduct meetings with potential partners and clients at home.

First of all, you will lose your privacy.

Second of all, your clients or partners will not take you seriously as the first impression is always the key.

With a coworking space, not only will you have all the flexibility and freedom you have by working from home, you will also have access to all the facilities you need to run your business.

A well-equipped coworking space has facilities such as conference and meeting rooms, high-speed internet and comfortable working desks.

You can Grow Your Business while Enjoying Life

A strong business growth is the ultimate goal for all women entrepreneurs and coworking spaces can help you achieve that.

Coworking spaces make it much easier for businesswomen to grow their business without the physical constraints of a traditional office space. You can excel and scale easily by recruiting the most qualified talents for your every position.

What is more, coworking spaces get rid of the efforts you need to maintain your office so you can focus on your core business activities.

Plus, you can pop out anytime you want for a cup of coffee or after that feel-good sweating fitness class. The concept of a coworking space is designed to propel your business growth while you enjoy life.

Coworking Space Solution in Indonesia from Cekindo

Cekindo’s coworking spaces in Indonesia are designed to support the growth of your business and brand at every stage of your business journey.

Our solution creates a unique experience for aspiring women entrepreneurs by increasing your productivity and caring for your well-being.

Check out our coworking spaces by visiting us directly in Jakarta, Bali or Semarang. You can also get in touch with us by filling in the form below.

Daris Salam

COO Indonesia at InCorp Indonesia

With more than 10 years of expertise in accounting and finance, Daris Salam dedicates his knowledge to consistently improving the performance of InCorp Indonesia and maintaining clients and partnerships.

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