importing goods into indonesia for raw materials of food and beverages

How to Import Raw Materials of Food & Beverages into Indonesia

  • InCorp Editorial Team
  • 19 February 2020
  • 3 minutes reading time

When it comes to importing goods into Indonesia, there are required documents that should be provided, particularly raw materials of food & beverages, into Indonesia.

One of the required documents is the Import Notification Letter, known as Surat Keterangan Impor (SKI). The Import Notification Letter (SKI) for raw material of food & beverages is issued by the National Agency of Food and Drug Control, known as Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM).

Essentials about Import Notification Letter in Indonesia

Process of Getting SKI

The Import Notification Letter (SKI) is issued in an electronic form and applications are to be completed online through e-BPOM or the Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) portal.

The Import Notification Letter (SKI) can be printed by the applicant or other interested agencies through the INSW system.

SKI Validity

The Import Notification Letter (SKI) for raw material of food & beverages is valid for one import shipment.

Requirements for Getting SKI

There are certain requirements that must be satisfied by the applicant in order to obtain an SKI. The image below elaborates the requirements.

importing goods into indonesia

Importing into Indonesia without Import License

As briefly mentioned above, to export goods to Indonesia, you need to apply for an import license.
Many foreigners who are not familiar with the export and import regulations in Indonesia may find the process stressful and complicated.

Good news is, there is a convenient and quick method that can be chosen by foreigners. You can import your raw materials of food and beverages into Indonesia without an import license, and this solution is called undername importer, which is also known as importer of record.

Cekindo is a legally registered undername importer in Indonesia who will be responsible for all the paperwork, required documents, and processes for importing your raw materials of food and beverages into Indonesia.

Importing Goods into Indonesia with Cekindo’s Assistance

Cekindo can serve as your undername importer in Indonesia. This way, it is not necessary for you to go through the long and costly process of getting an import license.

Furthermore, our team of import and export specialists always keeps up with the most updated customs regulations and procedures, so that we can handle clearance of consignments more efficiently.

When you choose Cekindo to be your undername importer, the process of importing goods into Indonesia will be as simple as follows:

  1. Submit all necessary information to us. Please contact Cekindo to understand what the documents that you are required to provide.
  2. Then, you have to inform and confirm with your overseas seller, supplier, and shipper in advance that Cekindo will be your undername importer.
  3. Once the confirmation is done with your overseas exporters, the next thing to do will be validating your shipping documents.
  4. We will then evaluate and confirm the goods you want to import. Then, we will go ahead with the import and shipping of the goods once it is clear that the goods have no issues.
  5. We will prepare all the documents for freight forwarding and customs clearance. So your import goods will be processed for clearance more efficiently once they have arrived at the port in Indonesia.
  6. We will pay for the customs duties and taxes on your behalf upon the receipt of payment from your company.
  7. Finally, you can have the goods delivered to your designated location or collect them from us.

Work with us today to handle all your import needs in Indonesia. Fill in the form below.

Daris Salam

COO Indonesia at InCorp Indonesia

With more than 10 years of expertise in accounting and finance, Daris Salam dedicates his knowledge to consistently improving the performance of InCorp Indonesia and maintaining clients and partnerships.

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