how to avoid deportation from indonesia

Deportation from Indonesia: An Introduction and Solution

  • InCorp Editorial Team
  • 11 October 2018
  • 4 reading time

Indonesia is a challenging country with an expansive captive market at every minute. However, with its abundant economic potential, comes legal compliance, especially in terms of visas. One of the topics that we cover today concerns deportation from Indonesia.

Who Can Be Deported From Indonesia?

Immigration officials are responsible for summoning, inquiring and passing verdict for deportation of foreigners. They may visit any premises to summon any foreigners and/or question the legality and validity of their stay permit.

Immigration official may cooperate with other institutions such as Ministry of Manpower and National Police to conduct these visits.

Every foreigner entering Indonesia may risk having deportation if violating the applicable regulation in Indonesia.

What Happens If I Am Deported?

Deportation is a forcible act to remove foreigners from Indonesia. Its precursor is an Immigration Supervision activity by the Immigration Official to any foreigners conducting activity in Indonesia.

The process of deportation consist of two steps:

  1. deportation from the Indonesian territory
  2. blacklisting a foreigner

Any deported foreigner will be rejected entry in Indonesia up to maximum six months which can be extended up to another six months.

Immigration Reasons comprise of:

  1. Known to or suspected to be involved in organised transnational crime.
  2. Demonstrating a hostile attitude towards the Indonesian government or conducted any action harmful to the reputation of Indonesian people and country.
  3. Suspected for conducting any action against public security and order, Indonesian moral standards, religion and customs.
  4. Using fake or forged passports to obtain a visa or a stay permit to enter and reside in Indonesia.
  5. Imposed Immigration Administrative Action in the form of Deportation from Indonesian territory.

Deportation can also result in a cancelled stay permit due to providing false information when submitting for visa and/or stay permit or imposition of Immigration Administrative Action.

Visa or stay permit abuse constitutes a criminal sanction of imprisonment up to 5 years and a fine of maximum IDR 500,000,000. If the blacklisting is not extended via written decision, it will be terminated by law.

What Are The Reasons For Deportation from Indonesia?

Deportation occurs to prevent foreigners from abusing their stay permit or engaging in acts deemed to disturb public order in Indonesia or violating the Indonesian law. Also, foreigners staying more than 60 days past the expiration date of their stay permit are liable for deportation.

Deportation usually occurs on an impromptu basis to ensure public safety in all Indonesian regions. The preferable option is usually office buildings, factories and apartments.

How to Avoid Deportation from Indonesia?

Most of the pitfall occurs when the foreigner fails to observe the proper visa. For example, using a business visa to work or conduct business. On other times, the work visa (KITAS) is issued in Jakarta, but the foreigner is working in Bandung or Semarang.

If the immigration official finds out, this constitutes an adequate reason for deportation. Failure to secure proper accommodation has often become a reason to deport foreigners from Indonesia.

If you are here legally and using the correct permit, you should be able to provide the necessary documents and information upon any visit or inspection. Furthermore, physical ownership of passports and visa/stay permits at all times will reduce a foreigner’s risk that will lead to deportation.

If foreigners happen to be a subject to a summon, they must answer the call or risk direct verdict without due process. With the correct information or clarification, a foreigner can avoid the risk of deportation.

Read also: How to Identify Fake Visa Agents in Indonesia

I Was Deported, How to Come Back To Indonesia?

After deportation, discuss your case with professionals. Cekindo can help you in several ways:

  1. By filling one-time complaint to the Minister. This act shall not prevent the execution of Administrative Action to the applicant.
  2. By communicating with the Directorate General of Immigration to propose revocation.

If either point is successful, the Directorate General of Immigration will issue a Block Revocation Certificate (Keputusan Pencabutan Penangkalan) as proof for your clearance.


Cekindo has successfully assisted clients with revoking their deportation and enabled entry into Indonesia. Contact us via the form below. We can assess your case and provide a viable solution for your deportation. Our teams are located in Jakarta, Semarang and Bali.

Daris Salam

COO Indonesia at InCorp Indonesia

With more than 10 years of expertise in accounting and finance, Daris Salam dedicates his knowledge to consistently improving the performance of InCorp Indonesia and maintaining clients and partnerships.

Get in touch with us.

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Frequent Asked Questions

The sponsor must be a company for single and multiple-entry businesses and working visas. The sponsor company is the legal entity that invites you to a business meeting or the business you will be working for. Regarding social-cultural and retirement visas and KITAS & KITAP stay permits, the sponsor must either be an Indonesian legal entity or a citizen. If you need a visa sponsor, InCorp provides sponsorship via HR Outsourcing and manages payroll for your foreign employee.